Past Event Detail


Johanna Ogden spoke on February 27th about her new book Punjabi Rebels of the Columbia River, recently published by the Oregon State University Press.

Oregon is commonly perceived to have little, let alone notable, South Asian history. Yet in the early 1900s Oregon’s small Indian settlement became a center of resistance that entwined quests for Indian independence and civic belonging that rocked the world. Punjabi Rebels of the Columbia River traces the stories of the radical Indian independence organization known as Ghadar, and Bhagat Singh Thind’s era-defining US Supreme Court citizenship case, United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind (1923). 

Dr. Kimberly Jensen, Professor of History and Gender Studies at Western Oregon University, spoke about her new book, Oregon’s Others: Gender, Civil Liberties, and the Surveillance State in the Early Twentieth Century. Oregon’s Others explores the era of the First World War and efforts to identify and restrict “alien enemies,” implement eugenic policies and curtail the rights of women, and examines the collision of civil liberties and persecution through the lens of gender, gender identity and presentation, ability, race, ethnicity, and class.


Tim Greyhavens presented on Artistic and Life-Like: Photography in Washington, 1850-1900, the first detailed examination of nineteenth-century photography in our state, which he structured around key themes that illuminate the social, economic, and physical aspects of growth in the state as portrayed through 200 rarely seen photographs. Released in May 2024, Kirkus Reviews described Tim’s book as “a masterpiece of local history.”

October 24, 2024

Hanna Brooks Olsen gave a lively presentation on her recently published book, Notoriously Bad Character: The True Story of Lou Graham and the Immigrants and Sex Workers Who Built Seattle, regaling our audience with facts and myths about Lou Graham, Seattle’s most famous madam and a dominant figure in the rough and tumble early days of Seattle.

Hanna Brooks Olsen (left) alongside the cover of her recently published book, ‘Notoriously Bad Character’

September 27, 2024

At its monthly meeting on September 27, the Pacific Northwest Historians Guild awarded its 2024 Pacific Northwest History Award to historian and Seattle Pacific University Emeritus Professor, Dr. Richard D. Scheuerman. First presented in 1986 to Murray Morgan, the award recognizes those who have made significant contributions in writing, preserving and promoting Pacific Northwest history.

The award presented to Dr. Scheuerman recognizes “his lifetime efforts chronicling the cultural, agrarian, and economic history of Eastern Washington and the greater Pacific Northwest, including scholarly works on Native American history and culture, notably of the Palouse people and Chief Kamiakin and his people; German pioneers in the region; agrarian themes in art and literature; and heirloom grains.” The award includes a lifetime Guild membership.

Also in attendance at the ceremony were past History Award winners Bill Woodward, Judy Bentley, Junius Rochester and Larry Kreisman.

Richard D. Scheuerman (right) is presented with the Guild’s 2024 Pacific Northwest History Award by Guild president Jim Rupp