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The Local Impact of the Great War
November 29, 2018 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm UTC-8
In November 1918, the Great War “to end wars” ended. The doughboys came home to parades and plaudits . . . and a region in crisis. As the vets looked for jobs, the economy shrank. The wartime lid imposed on labor protest blew off. Women won the right to vote; drinkers lost the right to imbibe (though both national mandates had already taken hold in Washington State). And amid it all came a devastating influenza pandemic that felled far more than the war had. This tumultuous transition is the focus of a panel moderated by Bill Woodward on “The Local Impact of the Great War.” Presentations by Paul Spitzer, Conor Casey and Lisa Oberg will focus on Boeing, labor agitation and the Seattle General Strike, and the flu scourge.
Seattle Pacific University, Ames Library, 3307 3rd. Av. W., Seattle. This program is free and all are welcome. Social half hour at 7 pm, program begins at 7:30. Free parking available in the lot at W. Dravus St. and 4th Av. West.